Using the User Registration Add-On

The Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On integrates with any form to allow you to register users on your website. If you are familiar with the MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, and FreshBooks Add-Ons, you should have no problems getting started with the User Registration Add-On.


Create Your Form

The first step in integrating the User Registration Add-On is going to be creating the form you would like to use. This can include existing forms. The only required fields a Gravity Form must contain to be compatible with the User Registration Add-On are the Username and Email fields. Here are the steps used to create an optimal User Registration form.

Example User Registration Form

  1. In your WordPress admin dashboard go to New Form under the Forms navigation or choose an existing form from Edit Forms.
  1. Ensure you have the following fields on your form:
  2. Save your form.

Create Your Feed

Your notification feed does the heavy lifting and is used to determine exactly what should happen after someone submits your form. For information on setting up User Registration feeds, see the following: Creating a Feed for the User Registration Add-On

Custom Registration Page

If you would like to use a custom registration page, create and publish a new WordPress Page and embed your registration form there.

  1. Go to Forms > Settings > User Registration, and check the box Enable Custom Registration Page.
  2. Once checked, you will be presented with a drop down of all the Pages on your site. Select the Page you created as your custom registration form.
  3. Click the Update Settings button. This will redirect any visitors who try to access your site’s /wp-login.php?action=register page to the page on your site which holds your User Registration form.


The User Registration Add-On does not automatically add custom meta fields to the WordPress user profile page. If you need to display the data, take a look at Justin Tadlock’s custom user meta post. There are also some third-party plugins you can use like the Extra User Details.

The User Registration Add-On does not automatically create Roles & Capabilities in WordPress, nor does it provide any form of content restriction on your website based on Roles & Capabilities. If you need to create and manage Roles & Capabilities and restrict content on particular pages or posts, take a look at Members or User Role Editor, which both integrate directly with Gravity Forms Roles & Capabilities.

PayPal Standard Integration

The User Registration Add-On integrates with the Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On to provide the following options:

BuddyPress Integration

The User Registration Add-On integrates with the BuddyPress (BP) Plugin allowing you to populate BP profile fields from Gravity Form fields. The BP Meta section of the User Registration feed functions almost identically to the Custom Meta section with the exception of not having an Add Custom option. To add new BP meta options, you must add additional BP profile fields on the BP Profile Field Setup page.

The User Registration Add-On is designed to work with BP v1.2.7.

Mapping BuddyPress Profile Fields

Some BuddyPress fields require special consideration when mapping to Gravity Form fields on your User Registration Feed. Below is a list of these fields and the requirements for mapping them correctly.

User Registration Add-On Hooks

The User Registration Add-On provides an assortment of hooks that can be used to modify the default functionality or extend it. For more information, review the User Registration Add-On Hooks.

Last modified: August 22, 2024

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