How to access free academia

This article was taken from the November 2013 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online.

The big academic publishers wrap their scientific papers in despotic paywalls. But you need that research to feed your natural curiosity! Here's how to read up without paying a penny.

Search smarter

Use Google Scholar to search for the full title of the paper you require. Can you see "[PDF]" on the right? Then you're in luck -- some learned and helpful soul has made a copy available elsewhere.

Ask the author

Many academics post copies of their work online. Search for titles with "site: [theirdomain]" and "filetype:pdf". Or just ask directly, by sending a brief, slightly fawning message to the author.

Tap up a student

Many libraries offer database access or inter-library loans on-site, so head over if you're nearby. Otherwise, locate a willing student -- their account and password should get you in remotely.

Ask for help

Certain internet-dwellers can do your highbrow dirty work for you.

On Twitter, post the URL of a paper with #icanhazpdf. Delete the request afterwards, and remember not to thank the sender by name.

Go incognito

If a site offers a limited number of articles for free per month, try browsing via Chrome Incognito. Your cookies get dumped when you exit, so sites can't recognise that you've been there before.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK